dearest family,
gosh I can't believe this is the last day to email!
I have a feeling I'm going to come home and be really weird so just don't make too much fun of me ok? :)
To be honest I've been in complete denial for the entire transfer and especially this past week. I'm just expecting to get transferred to a new area and continue on with my mission (I wish). It didn't really sink in until Sunday when i had to say goodbye to everyone. It's going to be hard to leave all of this.
Well this week has been a crazy week so I have a lot to update you on!
So we told Keith last Sunday that he had to get permission to be baptized and that it probably wasn't going to happen on the 26th like we had planned and he was absolutely devastated to the point of tears.
So as I said in my last email we weren't expecting to have his baptism last week.
Well... here's the crazy part,
So on Thursday night at 10:20 just as we were about to head to bed we get a call from the mission president who says "I got permission for Keith to be baptized, his baptism is this Saturday right?" our response was "well he hasn't even been interviewed" to which he said "well set up and interview with the District Leader and make it happen" and that's what we did.
It was too late to start making the phone calls we needed to throw this baptism together so last minute but we got right to it the next day and guess what?! Keith got baptized on Saturday night!
It was such a special experience for the entire ward I think. The spirit was so strong and I know that Keith is such a great addition to this church. He's ready to take on the world now! It was amazing how everything just fell right into place for the whole thing,. That to me was a miracle and Heavenly Fathers way us assuring us that this was right. I am so grateful to Him for letting me have the chance to end my mission in that way and have the priviledge of seeing Keith be baptized.
He got confirmed on Sunday and so now we're just working to get him to the temple to do baptisms. He's done quite a bit of family history with one of the members so he already has people to do work for.
The ward has done such and incredible job taking care of him and helping him feel like part of the family.
I am so grateful for the privilege I've had to serve as a missionary in the Texas Houston Mission. I have loved every minute of it and it has changed my life forever and for the better. I've said this before but I cannot adequately express how much I have loved my mission, how much it has changed me, all that I have learned, and how much I love this gospel.
I know with all my heart that this church is true and was fully restored. I'm am so glad I could have this chance to share that testimony with the wonderful people of Texas and watch them as they change their lives for the better.
This gospel truly is the most precious thing that we could ever have in our lives.
I love you all and I am so grateful for all of you support, love, letters, and prayers!
See you soon... that us unless I can somehow convince President Mortinsen to let me stay a couple more transfers... :)
Love you!
The Kingdom of God or nothing!
Love, Sister Gregson