How's it going?
Mom about school I though I'd see Pres. Pingree last week but I'm actually going to see him tomorrow I hope it's not too late.
I'm thinking that the Lord wants me to start school come september but I just want to talk to President about it first.
Boy do I wish I could have been with you to hike angels landing! I miss the mountains soooooooooo much! I want to go on a hike so badly!
I'm also really sad I missed the Olympics I love those things!
But I can't complain because I get to do something even better!
This week has been good. It all sort of blurred together though!
We did a lot of tracting but still we haven't found any new investigators. Sometimes it's really frustrating. We've really been brainstorming and praying that we can find a way to reach these people. I know there is something we can do to find people here and I may not know how yet but luckily the Lord does so we'll just keep working and praying hard that we'll figure it out.
We met with Kaylee twice this week and she is doing so well! She has such a strong testimony. We talked to her a little more about baptism and she said that her mother still doesn't think that she is ready. We pray everyday that her mothers heart will soften. The best part of the week was Sunday when Kaylee walked through the church doors! I love that girl so much and she has such a bright future. She already recognizes the changes that this gospel has made in her life.
We also got to meet with Velma this week! It has been forever since we've seen her so we were really excited. She is doing well. She had't been reading her scriptures though so we read them with her. Her heart has definitely softened since the last time we saw her. She asks us so many great questions that really get me thinking. I have to do so much research about the gospel to be able to help her and Dorisette too. I love our investigators because they might be progressing slowly but I know that they are sincere and I know that one day when they do make the decision to be baptized they won't stray away afterwards because they have put every effort into finding out the truth and they want to be certain about their decision.
Rosa is doing well. Unfortunately she'll be out of town for the next two weeks so I won't have anything to report on her for a while. We got to talk to her on the phone for a good while before she left though and she is just so wonderful. I love these people so much. I feel like they are my family.
We had a great miracle this week with one of our less actives named Victor. For the past 8 weeks we've been trying to catch Victor home and had no luck. None of the Sisters have been able to meet him so we had no idea if he was friendly towards the church or not. Well on Saturday we decided to try by again and he was outside washing his truck! You can always count on being able to catch texans outside their homes at some point because they all have to wash and wax thier trucks.
Anyways so we started talking to him about the church. To sum it up he said that he knows the church is true he's just gotten into the comfortable habit of not going. At one point in our conversation he stopped mid sentence and said "you know what, I'm coming to church tomorrow." He told us later that we had caught him home on the one saturday a month that he gets work off. He works 65 hours a week and never has saturdays off. It was one of those situations that I see all the time on my mission where the Lord lines things up so perfectly so that we can help someone.
We also got to meet with Lawanda this morning and she is doing great! We had her read the Intro to the Book of Mormon and she had a lot of questions about it. We were able to share testimony of the Book of Mormon with her and I felt the spirit so strongly again as I told her what this book has come to mean to me. She also asks us a lot of great questions. Like I said the investigators here have really gotten me to study the Book of Mormon, Bible, and just about everything else we know about the church like no other. Apparantly the Lord really wants me to know my stuff. I'm not sure if it's for their benefit or for mine.
Grandpa will be happy to know that Dennis Adams contacted me this week and he and his wife are going to take me and Sister Cecil out to dinner next week!
Love you all!
The Kingdom of God or Nothing!
Love, Sister Gregson