Monday, January 13, 2014

I Love Texas!


Dear family,
How have ya'll been?
Life in Texas is grand as ever!
This week was so wonderful! We were able to get so much work done!
Emily and Tony are doing so wonderfully! They came to church sick yesterday because they were determined not to miss! Their outlook on going to church is so refreshing. They refuse to miss it because they love it so much. Of course we told them to go home and rest after sacrament meeting and they weren't too thrilled about that but they also didn't want to get anybody sick. I have really enjoyed teaching Tony and Emily because they see everything we teach them in such a wonderful way! We talked to Tony about recieving the Priesthood and about serving missions and he was so amazed that he would have the priviledge to have that power and that opportunity. I wish you could have seen the look of joy and amazement when we told him he could have the priesthood power. They are so incredibly humble too. This past week we had to reteach them a few things that they've been struggling with (swearing, sabbath day things, etc.) and instead of being offended or defensive they were so grateful to us that we would remind them of those things. I just love them. They remind me of how lucky we are to have the blessing of the gospel in our lives.
This week we started teaching Abby! She is twelve years old and is darling. Her mother has been less-active for years but recently married a man in our ward and has been reactivated. Because she was less-active Abby didn't grow up going to our church, she actually went to a baptist church so now every Monday night we are going over to share the lessons with her!
Another teenager to teach! I seem to be teaching a lot of youger people since I've been in Bryan but I love it! I love telling them that they have a loving Heavenly Father who care so much about them.
Jaelynn is doing great! The Young Women stopped by her house on Wednesday night and they have been so good about showing their support and love. I think it's a little bit foreign to Jaelynn to have so many stangers care so much about her, but we just love the heck out of her!
Our other new investigator is Rosemary. She is an older woman who has been coming to church with her sister who is a member of our ward. She is the coolest person ever! We've asked her before if she'd be willing to take the discussions and she wasn't too sure but this time she decided it would probably be good to know more. She is an expert quilter! We went to her home and she showed us some of the quilts she's made. Amazing! Iz would have loved it!
Another new investigator we have is Donelle. She is another wonderful woman. Last week we went to visit one of our members - Jet -  and Donelle (who is Jet's cousin) was at her home visiting. Donelle and Jet are hoping to move in together in an apartment in Bryan so they'll both be in our ward boundaries. I love these two women so much. They have both been through some difficult things and both are still strong and loving life. They have shared many of their difficult experiences with us and I'm always amazed at the things that Jesus Christ can help us mere mortals through. Donelle started asking us some questions about the Book of Mormon that we were able to answer and we asked if we could come back to share more with her. She is so sweet. The thing that I love about Texans is that you meet them once and they already love you like a family member. They don't want you to leave and they hug you till your eyes bulge out. They want to take care of you and feed you and talk about God. That includes all Texans, not just the members of the church. I know I've said this before but one of the things I love most about being a missionary is meeting so many people and learning about their lives - the things that bring them joy, sadness, stress, happiness. They tell ALL. They are honest about how they feel, and not in a whining way, but in way that they want to share what they've been though so they can help eachother. It's amazing. They share their experiences with others and help lift eachother in a way I've never seen. Even if they don't know somebody they want to give them the shirt of their backs. Even if they don't agree with what we have to share they want to make sure we're drinking enough water and that we don't stay out in the heat too long. I love the love in Texas. They are good people.
We're still meeting with Diane (the less-active we've been teaching the discussions to) and she is so great! She invited us over the other day because she really wanted to make lunch for us. She is another amazing woman I get the chance to learn from. She really wants to find out if this church is true and I'm so glad to help her out with that!
Right now we're teaching the dicussions to 3 less-active members and I love it. Most of them have that small seed of a testimony, it just a matter of reminding them what they already know, and helping them see even more fully how wonderful and true this gospel is.
Sister Hutchings is amazing! She has improved so much since she first came out! Remember how i said she used to be so shy? Well every minute of every day since she's been out she keeps trying and keeps improving on how much she talks! She says so many wonderful things and I know that if it's what's in store that she could definitely train! I definitely think that by the end of her mission one of her biggest strengths will be her ablilty to talk with others and open her mouth! I can't wait to see it!
Anyways, life is great! I love being a missionary so much. I still am amazed that I get to do this everyday for 18 months.
The gospel is the best thing in life.
I love you all so much! Thank you for all your love and support!
The Kingdom of God or Nothing!
Love, Sister Gregson

If Texas was it's own country who would be president? 

So one wonderful woman in our ward whom I love very much went to a Keith Urban concert recently. One of the first things we bonded over when I first met her was Keith Urban so a few Sundays ago she came up and hugged me and slipped this into my hand! I was so excited! 


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