Hello Family!
How are you?
I can't believe that Mckenna is going to Manchester!!! It's about time they got one of the Richards clan back over there!!
Things are great in Texas as always! It's really hot and humid though. I don't think I've stopped sweating at any point this whole week. We've been out in the sun doing a lot of tracting and contacting but don't worry mom I'm drinking plenty of water!
So here's the latest with Kaylee. As you know we're still waiting on permission from her mom to get baptized. Well her mother speaks only spanish but she works as the same school as the young mens president in out ward (who is amazing). Anyways he knows Kaylees mom pretty well and he served a spanish speaking mission so he is able to talk to her almost everyday. Well in ward counsel he offered to talk to Kaylee's mom about Kaylee getting baptized and so he did. A miracle happened! She said if baptism is what Kaylee wants then she will support her! But the only barrier is that her husband (kaylee's step-father) is very much against the church. But of course she has the final say in the matter. So on Thursday we had a lesson with Kaylee and we committed her to talk to her mom about baptism again. She said she would and we knew she was nervous so we had her pratice on us. I could tell she was nervous so we asked her what fears she had and she burst into tears. She opened up to us and said that she is afraid of how her step-father will react. He is the only father that she has ever known and she feels like she has never been able to do anything that makes him proud. He fights with her about the church a lot. This has brought a lot of sorrow to Kaylee. She doesn't really feel like he loves her very much. Well if there's one thing I've felt very strongly since knowing Kaylee it's that her Father in Heaven is VERY proud of her. He loves her SO much and she is doing so much good. Her step-father may not understand how incredible she is now but someday he will know the truth and he will see. We told her these things and promised her that the Lord knew everything she was going through and that he would never leave her. I hate that she feels this way! She is too amazing to be treated like that, but I know this trial will make her even stronger. We invited her to pray about talking to her mom and we told her we would support her in whatever she decides to do. She was able to come to church on Sunday and we'll be meeting with her again on Tuesday.
We had a really great lesson with Rosa too! We watched the Restoration video and it really helped her understand more about Joseph Smith and where the Book of Mormon came from. She has some really great questions afterwards. She really has been so impressed by members of our church and she recognized that the church is good. We asked her if she believed that what we've taught her is true and she said there's nothing she's heard that seems wrong. She sees that the fruits of this church are so wonderful and I believe she knows it's true, she just has to recognize it for herself. She is SO close!
Robin was not able to come to church unfortunately because she had some family last minute come to visit. Hopefully we can get her next week!
We've been finding people to share the gospel with but we're still having a hard time finding people that want to make time to learn more. It gets pretty frustrating sometimes because our desire to share, teach, and testify is so great. And it is a good desire! I wish more than anything that we could just teach all of the Texans in Tomball. But even if our desires are good and righteous desires that doesn't mean it will happen. And even though it can be hard I'm grateful for that because it has taught me so much about patience, trust, diligence, and hard work. I have faith that even if we aren't finding new investigators seeds are being planted in the hearts of those we do get to talk to. And I still believe there are people in this area who are prepared we've just got to keep searching for them. For as long as I'm here I'm determined to find them.
I hope that all is well back home!
I love you all!
The Kingdom of God or nothing!
Love, Sister Gregson
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