Monday, March 4, 2013

Dear Mom...I'm Alive!!

Family!!!! Hello!

Call me crazy but I LOVE the MTC. I was so nervous as we pulled up to that missionary drop off but the minute I stepped out of that car I felt so much peace. I KNOW this is where I'm supposed to be! Don't be offended but I haven't gotten homesick... yet! I seriously have enjoyed every second here. It is definitely challenging and hard, but it's a good hard! If everything here was easy I wouldn't learn anything, and let me tell you I have learned A LOT! I feel like every second I learn and progress and it's wonderful!

My district is so great! Sister Crane (Kirsten) is in my district she is the one that worked with me at the pier 1 in cottonwood and trasferred with me to the Orem store! It is so fun to have her here and she is amazing! My companion's name is Sister Barker and she is the sweetest thing in the world. She has a quite strength and when she bears her testimony to our mock investigators I am in awe! In our district we have 6 Elders who are going to Boston, and 6 Sisters. 3 of the Sisters are going to Boston and us last 3 are going to Houston! We have all become really close as a district and I consider them to be very good friends.

Gosh! there is so much to say and so little time to write! I feel as though I have been here for weeks because of all that I have learned in such a short time! I am amazed at how much we can get done in a day, and how there is not nearly enough time in the day! We spend about 6 hours of our day in class and about 6 hours with personal and companion study time and I LOVE IT! It amazed me how much we can continuously learn about the gospel! On my second day we started teaching our mock inverstigator and we have taught her every day since. It was so hard the first time we taught her, but we learned sooooo much! and every day since then we've gotten better and better. That's why I love that it's so hard, we learn so much about how to teach! I have been filled with so much love not only for the people we teach, and my companion, but for those people of Houston whom I can't wait to meet. I am serieously so EXCITED!!! I love teaching! It's hard, but I love it! Haha I must be sounding like such a dorky missionary now, but it's kind of contageous here! I sort of forgot about the outside world until we went to the Temple and I saw the outside world again! Yup you guys are the outsiders now haha!

I've had some many wonderful days here and I feel so full of the spirit. I need the help of the spirit in everything I do. I have really had to learn how to listen to the spirit especially when it comes to me and my companion deciding what to teach our investigator. It is amazing how you can think of something or someway to teach your investigator and you know that's what your supposed to do because the idea came from the Holy Ghost!

The food is great, plus they have infinite amounts of Creamery chocolate milk... that's right Katie all the milk i can drink!! The Church is true! :)

Anyways i don't even know what to say because there so much I could share but just know that I am so great, and so happy! I know I'm in the right place and I feel so much hope and joy. I love learning about this gospel and I am so grateful to Heavenly Father that he would trust me to come and serve a mission! There are times when I worry and think, can i really do this? And really the answer is no, I can't. BUT the Lord, He can. This is HIS work so of course he'll provide a way for us to help his work progress. It amazes me how much trust he puts in us. I just love Him! He's so great!

It has been amazing to see all the young missionaries come in! I am the oldest in my district at age 20! They're faith amazes me! I know some people tend to think - they're only ready to go because of the change and it's the thing to do right now. But if you think that, you're wrong! The change came because they were already ready to go out!

I've thought a lot about what Elder Holland said in that press conference after that announcement and how he said to the propective missionaries - this isn't about you, it's about the Lord's work hastening, and his children being more ready than ever to hear the gospel. This mission isn't about me, it's about the Lord and his work and those people in Houston i get the great blessing to teach! That's one reason I have loved the MTC so much, I get to be selfless every minute and dedicate my time to the Lord and His great Work!

As Sisters they have told us a lot about how this mission will help us to be better wives, and mothers, and I've felt that too. I'm not doing it for me, but for my future husband and children. And as weird as this could sound i feel such a great love for them and i think of them every time i get discouraged or i feel inadequate. I've got to press forward for them, for the Lord, for this church, and for those who are lost.

I love you guys so much! I know this church is true!

Love, Sister Gregson!

PS read or watch the talk by Elder Bednar called "The Character of Christ" IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE! and mom if you could send me a hard copy of it that would be great!!!


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