Tuesday, March 19, 2013

When life gives you lemonade, make lemons. Life will be all like WHaaaT?

March 11, 2013

Where to start...
This week has been amazing! I have had some wonderful expieriences this past week and I wish I could share them all with you, but alas there are better things to do! Like missionary work!
Life really is life a rollar coaster here, one moment things are going great, and the next thing you know it gets hard again, but like I said before it's good that it's so hard because it really challenges me and it has helped me to be a better missionary, and better person.
Last Sunday I got called to be the Corrdinating Sister, it's basically a zone leader that's over all the Sisters. It has been so much fun because I got to welcome in the new Sisters and give them a tour and teach them all about the MTC. Every night I get to talk to them and see how they are feeling and if they need any help. The sisters that came in are awesome! They've been doing so great, and I've loved getting to know them and helping them!
Life is just so good! I love being a missionary! We had and awesome expierience with our progressing investigator that I told you about last week. Her name is Crystal! It was crazy because we were doing really well with her, and then on Wednesday our lesson was just awful! It was the first time I was without words. I just felt disconnected with the spirit. Again though it was an awesome learning experience. After that expirience Me and sister Barker sat down and really tried to figure out Crystals needs. We knew she had had a really hard life but she never would really open up about it with us so we weren't sure how to help her. We were also worried that she only let us keep coming back because she likes US, and not because she wanted to change and was actually interested in what we were teaching her. So on Thursday our solution was to go in and just tell her how we felt and be honest with her about our concerns and the outcome was amazing! Crystal opened up and told us about her struggles and she shared with us how her life has changed since she started meeting with us. She said about the church "It scares me because i think i know it's true"!!!! It was amazing the spirit was so strong and it really guided me and sister barker.
We were planning on leaving her with a commitment to come to church but as she started talking about her love of Christ I had this thought that I needed to invite her to be baptized. My first thought was "Sister Gregson you're crazy" and then my second thought was "that's the spirit and I'd be a fool not to follow it" and then my third thought was "Sister barker don't hate me" and I did it! I asked Crystal if she would be baptized and i felt this overwhelming feeling of love for her as I said the words. And it was then that I realized i wasn't just asking her to be baptized I was asking her to follow Christ and start on the path that will lead her to live with Heavenly Father. I was offering her the best life she could ever have! I felt so honored in that moment to be the one to ask her, and I don't mean that in a bragging way, i just mean it's such a great step and I feel greatful that the Lord trusts us as his children to ask other's that question because really we're not worthy to ask such a life changing question, and yet the Lord let's us.
Hopefully this all makes sense I feel like i'm typing so fast! So if it doesn't just know I'm happy and I'm still loving the MTC!
I have really grown close to my District and they leave for Boston tomorrow. I am really sad to see all of them go, but I have a feeling we'll all keep in touch! i'm also sad to leave my teachers because they are incredible! Literally every time we end a lesson I feel ready to go get re-baptized! I've really enjoyed the MTC. BUT I can't wait to get to Houston!!!! I am definitely nervous, but i am also really excited to go out and love the people!
I know you already know this but the gospel is true! I know Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, I know the Book of Mormon is true. I also know that missionary work isn't just about teaching people, it's about loving people. There's nowhere else I'd rather be, and nothing else I'd rather be doing. I thought I would be constantly thinking about the life i left in SLC but I don't. Don't get me wrong I think about you all a lot because I love you, but I thought i would miss being at home, and wearing sweats, and not being at school etc. etc. But i don't miss it. It's weird. But I think it's because this is where I'm supposed to be. I know those things will be there when I get home and the only thing that will change (other than the age of my fam and possible new nieces and nephews) is me. I am leaving myself behind and I'm never going back to that person. I want to come home changed, and better. I hope that even when i no longer wear the badge that I'll still do my best to represent Christ.I hope I'll keep challenging myself because I've never been happier. And why would I want to go back? I've learned so much I can't be the person I was before!
Anyways again i hope everything in this letter made sense, if not well the gospel is still true!!
I love you all and I hope every thing is going swell at home!
Thank robyn for that awesome notebook! I love it! and tell Rylee I found her future husband and he's awesome and that i'll write to her about him soon :)
Love you all!!
Love, Sister Gregson

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