Monday, February 24, 2014

Tracting, tracting and more tracting

Hola familia!
How's it going?
This week was kind of crazy I can hardly remember what happened.
First off Sister Cecil was having stomach issues so we spent some down time at our apartment which was not fun but necessary. I felt to antsy I just wanted to go out and tract the apartment complex with our apartment door open so we could kind of sort of be within 'sight and sound' but I refrained. We went to see the mission doctor today and he gave her some meds so hopefully things will get better.
We were able to meet quite a few Less-actives this week who haven't answered the door to the church in years. Unfortunately most of them weren't very kind to us. We would ask if there was a time we could come by and visit with them and one guy even said "nope, never."
It's hard to understand what would make these individuals come to dispise and even hate the church so much. Those are harsh words to use but that is how they have come to feel. When we mention we're from the church instantly they turn into really mean people. It's so weird. I just wish so badly I could help them see the truth again. Hopefully someday their hearts will soften.
We were able to see Kimber again this week. We taught her the plan of salvation and it was a good refresher for her. She still has no desire at all whatsoever to come back to church but she loves us and she always lets us come visit her.
We also were able to have a lesson with Rosa again this week. This time we were able to have Sister Howard there. I haven't told you about the Howard family yet but they are so great! They remind me of the Thayers and the Weavers. They are like my long lost family that I found in Texas. Sister Howard is incredible. She is the sweetest woman I've ever met and she has a wonderful testimony. She was Catholic and joined the church in her young adult years and she was able to share her conversion story with Rosa. The spirit was so strong.
I think it was so good for Rosa to get to know Sister Howard. They hit it off really well. Having a member at a lesson is always so powerful. One of the things that impresses Rosa the most is how we pray so at the end of the lesson we taught her how we pray and challenged her to pray everyday in that manner. She agreed to it so I'm excited to talk to her this week and see how it went.
We weren't able to meet with Velma or Dorisette this week so hopefully next week I'll have some updates on them for you.
Kaylee is doing wonderfully as usual. Usually we meet with her every Thursday but last time we saw her she said "I think you guys should come on Tuesdays and Thursdays" So that's what we're going to do. She is just so hungry for the gospel and the spirit she feels when she is with us. We're still hoping and praying everyday that her mothers heart will be softened and she will allow Kaylee to be baptized.
This week I had to speak in church which was terrifying! You want me to go talk to a stanger about the gospel? great. fine. I can do that easy. You want me to speak in church? Well then I just about have a heart attack!
It went well though and I'm just relieved it was over.
I spoke on personal conversion and sharing the gospel. The idea is that the more converted we are to the gospel the greater our desire and willingness to share the gospel. Anyways it went well and I'm glad I won't have to do it again for a while.
Other than that things have been a bit slow which I hate admitting. We're still tracting a lot but having no luck. It gets pretty frustrating at times. Tomball is a really wealthy area and people are pretty well off. People are already content with what they have so they aren't interested in what we have to share. We've been thinking long and hard about how we can spark some interest in these people and it's proven to be a challenge. But I know as we continue to work and ask Heavenly Father how to do His work here he will tell us. We just have to be patient, obedient, and worthy.
I hope all is well at home! Thanks for your prayers!
The Kingdom of God or Nothing!
Love, Sister Gregson

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