Monday, May 13, 2013

Fried Bananas

Hi family!!
I know I just barely talked to you but you get to hear from me again! It was so good to see all your lovely faces (the loveliest being Marcus's of course)...
Things are great here! I'm not as tired today so hopefully this email will be a little more exciting!
 This week has been so wonderful!! We started teaching Joan! She is the older woman we tracted into last week. We got to teach her the first lesson and she enjoyed it so much! She is amazing. It was neat because when we first met her we learned that she had lost her husband about a year ago. When we closed up the lesson i had the impression that Joan's husband was there with us and that he needed us to keep teaching Joan so that he could be with her forever. After we left her home I told Sister Schellhous about my impressions and she was so happy because she said that the whole time we were teaching Joan she was praying that her husband would be there with us to help us know what to say and to help us touch her heart. It was a really neat experience. We left Joan with a Book of Mormon and she was so excited to read it. We stopped by her home the other day and she said she's reading it but it's hard for her because the writing is so small so today we're going to go pick up a larger print for her. I can't wait to meet with her again this week!
As you already know on Saturday Marla got baptized!! It was so wonderful! She and Gabriel were so happy. I had the opportunity to speak about baptism before the ordinance was performed. It has been so amazing to see the change in Marla. Two years ago to the day Marla came home after having lived in Africa while serving in the peace corps. She explained to us that when she came home from that she was a broken person, but since she's met us and learned about the gospel she has become whole again. And you can see that joy and happiness in her face. She just glows! I can't wait for the day when she and Gabriel can be sealed for time and eternity. She is amazing and I love her so much. I have learned so much from her about having trust in the Lord, and being patient with the answers we receive. I remember me and Sister Jones fasting and praying so hard for Marla and the Lord truly heard those prayers.
We are still teaching Melanie and it's going well but because she's so young I don't think that she will really have the desire to get baptized until she can start coming to church. Right now she can't come because she has communion classes at 9... BUT their over in June so were hoping she will come then!
It was funny that you asked me yesterday what the weirdest thing has been that I've eaten because last night we had some of the strangest things. We had dinner with this member family and the mother is Russian and the father is Peruvian. She fed us this Peruvian root and it was definitely different. We also had fried bananas which were actually really good!
The ward is great, with every week that goes by we feel better and better about the area. Now that we know more people in the ward we are getting a lot of referrals that we're excited to meet, and like I said we're weirdos and we love tracting so we do that as much as we can and we've seen some really amazing blessings come from it.
PS you never told me the story about Abby cutting her hair, I'd love to hear it sometime!
I'm sorry that this weeks email is so short but know that everything is great!
I have loved being on a mission! I can't believe that I've almost been out for 3 months it is all going by way too fast! 
For the past few lessons we've have with members we've been reading in 1st John 4:9 and then asking them what it means to them to know that Heavenly Father would sacrifice his son for them, and that Christ would willingly sacrifice himself for them. It's amazing to hear their responses and have the opportunity to hear about their testimonies and their gratitude to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
This gospel is amazing and it's so wonderful to have the chance to completely focus on it 24/7. It's the most wonderful opportunity in the world.
I love you so much and I'm so grateful for all y'all!
Hope you have a wonderful day!
Love you!
Love, Sister Gregson

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