Monday, May 6, 2013

Week Two in Parkway and Still Alive

Dearest family,
How are y'all doing? How is the weather? How are the animals?
This week was a great week. There were a lot of ups and downs as is usual with missionary work, but we've seen many miracles!
First I will tell you about Dolores! (She is the one who has an autistic son that we found while tracting) We've visited with her again and plan to go see her tomorrow! We've talked a lot about Christ with her and we were able to introduce her to the restoration. She has been so kind and said she loves talking with us! I am praying hard that as we begin these lessons with her that she will be ready to hear it.
Chine was one of the potentials we found while tracking and we went to visit her again. She was really kind but she talks so much me and Sister Schellhous couldn't get much teaching done so it's not looking like we'll be going back. Hopefully someday she will be ready!
One of our investigators - Melanie, is 9 years old. She is the sister of Lorena (who I love to death) who is a recent convert of almost a year. Because she's young we've had to come up with creative ways to teach her the lessons and we've been having a lot of fun with it. She wants to be baptized but she needs to ask her mother's permission first.
Angela is our other investigator. We had lessons set up with her this week but she didn't show up and
she hasn't been responding so we haven't actually met her yet but as always we will keep trying!
We have a few new potential investigators we met while tracking this week that we're going to go see this week!
Joan is an older woman who loves God and was more that happy for us to come back and talk to her. She is very open to hearing about other religions so I don't know how it will go but she was really kind.
Ezela is a former investigator that we visited. She works a lot which is why she lost contact with the missionaries but we're hoping to meet up with her and teach her more.
The greatest miracle came yesterday when we were tracting. The day before we had had a really rough day. Everyone we had planned to visit ended up not being home so of course we tracted. It was a little discouraging this time because a few of the people we talked to instead of just saying they weren't interested they decided to tell us what was wrong about our church. It made me really sad! It's hard when people are so against what we believe because I know what their missing out on and I just want to grab then by the ears and make them listen! So that day ended on a rough note. The next day (or yesterday) made up for it! We were tracting and we came up to this door and a woman named Melissa opened the door. We started to talk to her about Christ and she has a great love for him! When we told her what our purpose is she said she would love to hear about it because she is very open to learning about other peoples faith and she doesn't know what Mormons believe. Well we started teaching her the first lesson right then and there. We were taken by surprise at first because we're so used to people either not being interested or telling us to come by another time. It was so funny! But Sister Schellhous jumped right in! She was so kind about it and wanted us to come back and tell her more about it!
Then a few more houses down a young man probably about 20 opened the door and as we started talking about God he invited us in and we saw that it was him and two other girls (also about 20). We let them know why we were there and they were really cool about it. None of them go to church but they all wanted to learn more about what we believe. They invited us to come back and teach them next Sunday!
So we have a lot of new people to teach and I really  hope they'll be ready to accept it. Knowing how missionary work goes I'm sure there will be disappointments but this could be the beginning of them becoming familiar with the church.
So I got permission from Pres to go to Marla's baptism this week! I am so excited! Also good news remember Deborah? She's getting baptized!
So now for my funny story...
So we went to visit this woman who we had on our records and when she opened her door out came their dog who is still a pup (although it is the size of a horse) and you know what happens when dogs get excited? Well if you don't I'll tell you.. it started peeing right there on the front porch so of course both me and Sister Schellhous got sprayed! Oh the wonderful things that happen on missions...Miracles, blessings, and getting peed on. It was gross at the time but we've been laughing ever since. First thing we did when we got home was wash our feet very thoroughly.
Anyways that's all the excitement I've got for the week!
I'm more tired that I've ever been but I came across this scripture in my studies the other day, it's Alma 37:34 and it says,  "Teach them to never be weary of good works, but to be meek and lowly in heart; for such shall find rest to their souls."
I'm trying my hardest to put in every effort, and I've seen a lot of blessing from it!
Things are still going well in our area we're getting to know the ward well and we've met a lot of people.
I am so grateful to be here on a mission! I still can't believe sometimes that I'm actually out here! It's definitely exhausting, but it's all worth it and I love it!
Hope all is well at home!
Love, Sister Gregson

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