Monday, January 13, 2014

Dear Mom, Go Back to the Farm and GET THAT CAT!!!!!!

Family Dear,
Hello from Texas! How are you all doing?
Mom you need to go back to the farm and get that cat! You don't have much time left to replace me and name a cat after my area so you better go back and get it! :) Also lets be honest all Tilly is really good for is food storage anyways.
So how is life in Utah? I'm really jealous you get to enjoy the fall colors. There are a few trees here and there in Texas that change colors and every time Sister Davis and I see one we get really excited.
This week has been a slow one. We're having to drop a couple of our investigators which is always heart breaking but necessary. We also had a lot of our appointments canceled which can be really frustrating too. But despite it all there is always work to be done and you don't have to look far to keep going about doing the work. Whenever things slow down like this on the mission I know there are good things coming, and we're already starting to see some of those things come.
I wanted to tell you more about Abby because she is amazing! She wanted us to go to her "Evening of Excellence" this past week so we were able to go and hear about the work she's been doing with personal progress and I was so amazed by her. You would never guess that she is a recent convert. She is incredible. She gets it. She is only 12 and she understands what this gospel means to her better than most youth who grow up in the church. I can't wait to see what will come of her life because I know she will do great things for this gospel. She is a wonderful addition to the Kingdom of Heaven.
This week we've been talking about her going to the temple for the first time and she is so excited. She is already planning on doing the baptism for her deceased great-grandmother and she is thrilled to do it. I know it will be such a neat experience for her.
Her Grandparents have been in town this last week and we were able to have dinner with them. They have been inactive in the church since Abby's mother was young. Abby has already been such a great example to her family. Her grandparents have found a house in Bryan and they are planning to move out here in February. This is the first time they've gone to church in years and they are planning on moving here and being an active part of the Bryan ward.
I love this family like they are my own and I am so happy to see the joy that the gospel has brought to them. Miracles are happening with this family and now because of Abby choice to be baptized not only are her family here on earth changing their lives for the better but her ancestor who have passed on will be able to accept the gospel too.
I'm so grateful for the blessing of serving a mission. I honestly think I'm learning more from the people I serve than they are learning from me. Everyone is so unique and different and they all go through different trials and testing. But one thing we all have in common is our Father in Heaven and our elder brother Jesus Christ. Many people we meet with seek our counsel and the answer to their struggles is always turning to the Savior and applying the Atonement. This gospel is the greatest and most important thing in our lives. It is the only thing that can help us joyfully endure life, and spiritually refine us.
I wish I had more time to write more but know that all is well and I'm really happy!
I love you all so much!
Hope all is well!
The Kingdom of God or nothing!
Love, Sister Gregson 
PS Mum, I wasn't joking about that cat...
Another Texas rainbow
A picture of Sister Davis with Garfield, the Lewis's rooster 

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