Monday, January 13, 2014

Did You Get That Cat Yet?


Did you get the cat yet? :)
Hello family!
How are y'all doing?
Things in Houston are good!
Transfer calls happened last night and I get to stay in Bryan with Sister Davis!! We we're so happy! That means I get to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with the good people of Bryan whom I've come to love so much!
We've had a pretty good week but things have been slow and it really gets frustrating. The Lord has really wanted me to learn about patience these past few weeks. We've been struggling to find new investigators which is something that I've never found hard to do but lately it has been so difficult. We've had to drop most of our investigators which is also a bummer. BUT what is so wonderful is that despite the lack of new investigators and progressing investigators we still have one and that one is so precious to us. 
It's Mary! She is doing really well. I think I've told you that her biggest difficulty is coming to church. She has really bad anxiety being in closed areas. It is even difficult for her to be in her own home. Because of this she is nervous about coming to church. She believes it to be true and she wants to be baptized (January 11th is the day by the way) but she just has such terrible anxiety. I know all to well how crippling anxiety can be to a person. A few weeks ago we had Brother Lowe come to a lesson and give her a Priesthood blessing and I know and she knows that it helped. This past week the lesson we had was actually in her home! Normally we sit outside because of her anxiety. She told us since the blessing she has spent much more time inside and she doesn't get as nervous and she accounts that to the blessing. The Priesthood is the best!
Even though we don't have a lot of investigators right now I want to be sure and take care of the one that the Lord has given to us. She is amazing and I know the Lord loves her so much.
We had a really neat miracle this week. It happened when we went to visit Morgan (one of our inactive members). We've been struggling to meet with her ever since I got to this area and we decided to drop in to see her the other night. As soon as she opened the door she said "You guys always have the best timing" and tears started streaming down her face. She didn't go into detail about what was wrong but she said that moments before she had prayed for the first time in years. She was so grateful that we had come. I'm not sure what is going on and we didn't want to pry but she was really struggling. In her struggle she decided to pray and then we came. I know that the Lord needed her to know that He knows and loves her so much. She was so grateful we came. I'm so grateful that he allowed us to be instruments in His hands in that moment. It was a testimony to me that the Lord was aware that Morgan needed to feel His love, and also that the Lord was aware of Sister Davis and I's pleas to be where He needed us to be.
The other amazing thing about this story is that during our dinner break before we went to see Morgan I was feeling so sick. I've been sick the past few weeks and the Doctor put me on a prescription that makes me really tired and nauseous. I was sitting there all through dinner contemplating asking Sister Davis if we could stay in for the night. But as I sat there I knew that the best cure for my illness would be to go out and work and so the Spirit helped me to make the right choice that night, and that's when we went to Morgan's.
Satan wouldn't have wanted Morgan to know that the Lord heard her prayer and he definitely came close to stopping us from going there. But the awesome thing is that righteousness is always more powerful than wickedness and I'm so glad that the spirit prompted me to do the right thing.  
I shouldn't say things are slow because there truly have been many miracles. We had stake conference this week and it was all about "The Work of Salvation." It was such a wonderful meeting and the spirit was so strong! Our stake Presidency is incredible! President Pingree and Sister Pingree came to speak and all 43 missionaries in our stake provided the choir for the meeting! We've already seen blessings from it! A couple members have been inviting us to meet their friends to share the gospel with them! The Lord truly is hastening His work and it is such a thrilling thing to be a part of!
Whenever things get slower like this I always know there are great things coming and I'm trying my best to prepare for them!
I'm so grateful to be a missionary and I feel so privileged to be one of the Lords "authorized representatives." I just can't believe sometimes how incredible it is that I have this chance to represent the Lord.
I love you all and I hope all is well!
The Kingdom of God or nothing!
Love, Sister Gregson 

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