Monday, January 13, 2014


Hola family!
How's life?
This has been one of those weeks for Sister Hutchings and I that helps us learn patience. My favorite lesson to learn. :)
Missionary life really is a rollar coaster! Some weeks you have everything go right and others everything seems to go wrong. What I love is that there is always something to brighten even the difficult times and this week the bright light was definitly general conference! This week was tougher because everything we planned seemed to fall through. A lot of our lessons and meetings were cancelled. But the best solution for these weeks is to press forward, pray hard, and work hard.
General Conference was amazing! We got to watch it at the church in Bryan! There were so many powerful talks and as I'm sure you couldn't miss there were a lot of talks on missionary work. What I love about general conference as a missionary is I not only can apply what's said to me but to everyone that we meet with and without fail something will be said that directly applies to their concerns or struggles.
Dispite a slow week life is wonderful! Abby is doing great! Emily and Tony are great! We've got a few new investigators that we are going to start teaching this week and we really have seen so many miracles every day!
We got the news last night that we would actually be getting transfer calls that night instead of on Tuesday so here's the news... Sister Hutchings is leaving Bryan. I will miss her! But I am grateful I get to stay! There is still so much work to do here! I don't know yet if I'm training and we won't know until tomorrow where she is going to go but I know that wherever she goes she will do wonders for her area!
This week we did get to meet with our investigator Rosemary. She is so sweet! She invited us over for lunch after General Conference. She is the one who still isn't sure if she believes in Jesus Christ so we watched Finding Faith in Christ with her and had the blessed opportunity to bear testimony of our Savior. I hope she felt the spirit touch her heart.
I've had a lot of time on my mission to reflect on the Savior and His Atonement and the spirit is always felt when someone testifies of him. We had a zone meeting this past Friday and they gave each of us time to bear our testmonies of the Savior and the spirit in the room was so powerful. Somehow there is nothing more moving than being in a room and listening to the simple but powerful testimonies of young missionaries. We are simple and small compared to the great task we have the great opportunity to take part in, but we are here because we love the Lord. As a missionary I've had the opportunity to see up close and personal how the Atonement works in the lives of the investigators, members, and less-actives we've met with. There is always hope of that I have no doubt and it's all because of Christ.
I'm so grateful for all of you and all of your support!
You've listened to General Conference now go and live it!
I love you!
The Kingdom of God or Nothing!
Love, Sister Gregson

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