Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Tracting and Teaching and Roaches...Oh My!

Hola familia!!
How's Utah? I hope life is going great!
Things in Texas are great! At least I'm trying to make them be haha
So to tell you more about my companion Sister Cecil, she is from Orem, Utah she just turned 20 and she has been out for 9 months.
To answer your question mom our plan for sharing the missionary message with our ward members is pretty slow to begin. We called about 30 people in our ward on Thursday to schedule a time to come by and only 4 answered and accepted a meeting and the rest we left a message but they haven't called us back. It's been a little dissappointing. We even had a couple ward members call us back and say they weren't interested or they were too busy...
Well luckily we've been able to share it with a few members so far and they've committed to complete a goal so we plan to call them this week to see how it went.
I really hope we can get this ward to understand the importance of sharing the gospel. I want to be able to show them that it is a blessing and opportunity, not a burden.
I pray every night that the Lord will soften the hearts of these members and that we can build their trust.
We spent a lot of time tracting this week. No luck.
We feel so strongly that the key to this area is the members but we haven't had any luck there either so we resort to a lot of tracting and contacting. It will take time with the members but we're doing all we can to show them that we are good and trustworthy missionaries. Sometimes it's frustrating BUT I refuse to let it get me down. We're trying to help the members and we're doing what we can to find outside of that. Maybe the Lord just needs me to show him that I will not only endure but work and wear out my life for His work even while enduring.
This week we were able to meet with all our investigators though!!
Dorisette is doing well. Her heart has really softened. We talked a lot about the Priesthood and how it was restored. She was very intrigued by the fact that Peter, James, and John are the ones who restored it, but she was also worried because she believed that no one other than Christ will be resurrected until Christ comes again and that those who die don't remember anything about their former life so therefore "how would peter know what he was doing?" Towards the end of our lesson she wasn't so much worried about that though but she does really want to study the preisthood because she recognizes that if there is indeed this authority restored she needs to be a part of it!
I love the discussions we have with Dorisette because we're able to use the Bible a lot AND to show her how it goes hand in hand with the Book of Mormon. It's funny because right before I left Bryan I felt very prompted to read the New Testament again and I'm seeing why now. It seems like everytime I see Dorisette she has a question about our church that I can answer through the New Testament and Christ's teachings which mean more to her than anything because she trusts the Bible more that anything else. My testimony of the Book of Mormon has always been strong but I have truly developed a great love and stong testimony of the Bible since I've been here.
We also met with Velma this week. She has met with missionaries on and off since 2008. She is a tough one! She wants to know everything about the church before she even begins praying about it or come to church! Hopefully we can help her understand that she can pray while she's learning but so far she refuses to which is a pretty big set back. But everyone learns differently and she still wants to meet with us so we're doing what we can for her. We talked about the Restoration and she enjoyed it and had great questions. Her issue though is that she doesn't understand why God would appear to Joseph Smith if he can't dwell in unclean places. She understands that Christ would come but doesn't think that God the Father would.
We explained to her that it is important that He appeared along with Christ because we were able to know and restore the truth that God the Father and Jesus Christ are two seperate beings. We encouraged her to think for herself about why God would also appear.
The investigators we have here in Tomball are tough investigators! They ask the hard questions but to be honest I love it! It really makes me think and know even more certainly that this gospel is true. Of that I have no doubt.
We also met with Rosa she is a new investigator that they found right before I got here so we're still in the beginnings with her but she is wonderful. She thinks our beliefs are so interesting!
Then we have Velma. She is just meeting with us to understand what we believe. Her son is friends with a boy in our ward and he always comes home asking her questions about the Mormon church and she wants to be able to answer them.
We haven't been able to officially meet with Shelly again but we talked to here the other day and got to know her a little better which was good. Hopefully we'll catch her this week!
This week I went on exchanges with the White Oak sisters so I was back in my first area! It was so weird! We even had a meeting with Sister Ruhlman so I got to see her again! She has been going to church still which makes me so happy! Apparantly I dodged a bullet only being there for 6 weeks though because i guess the transfer after i left the apartment got infested with roaches and they've been multiplying ever since! The apartment people have come and sprayed a bunch but it hasn't done much of anything. So when we got there the whole place was crawling with roaches! SO GROSS! poor sisters...
Anyways mission life is hard but it's the best! I've learned a lot since I've been in this area.
The gospel is so wonderful and I love being able to share it!
Love y'all lots!
The Kingdom of God or Nothing!
Love, Sister Gregson

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