Monday, January 13, 2014

Sacrifice Brings Forth the Blessings of Heaven

Family Dear,
Hello!! How it going? Can you believe it's 2014 cause I can't!
Anyways life is good here in Tomball! Things are starting to get better each day and I'm starting to figure things out here.
We've come up with a plan to encourage our ward to do missionary work. To help them out we made a dvd of the hastening the work videos that we will show them and we also created a list of missionary oriented goals that we will have them look at. Then we will ask them to pick one of those goals and commit them to accomplish them within the week. We're going to encourage them by calling them and following up. I'm really excited to start doing it! There are enough goals on that list that we can continue to come back again and again and have them set a new goal. Some of them are easier like "Pray for the missionaries in the Tomball ward and pray for their investigators by name daily." and some are a little more challenging like 'Invite a friend to take the missionary discussions" So our plan is to start out by getting them to do the small things so that the big things will be easier for them in time! We're really excited about getting this going so I hope the members will step up and accept the challenge!
It has been a great week!
We weren't able to meet with Dorisette this week but we have a lesson scheduled with her today so hopefully it will go well!
So I don't think I've ever told you this but I think the Holy Ghosts favorite song is "Praise to the Man" and here's why...
So at one point we had about 15 minutes before an appointment and we knew if we showed up early it would be fine. Plus it was raining so that sounded like a much better plan than anything else.
But the spirit likes to do this thing to me every time there is something that I don't really want to do that I know I should do. I always hear the spirit say "Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven" and I know what I have to do.
So we decided to just go out in the pouring rain and knock a few doors with the time we had instead of going early to our appointment.
Every time I've listened to that line from the spirit I've followed it and something miraculous always happens!
Well this time was no different! We started knocking doors and no one answered so we came up to the last house thinking it would be the same result but this woman answered the door and we introduced ourselves and started talking to her. She goes to church but she had never heard about our church before so we asked her if we could come by and share more with her and she said yes! Her name is Shelly and she is an ER nurse so I got to talk to her about nursing for a few minutes which was fun!
I'm so grateful for those promptings that come. Sacrifice truly does brings forth the blessings of heaven!
We taught Kaylee the Plan of Salvation this week. She really enjoyed it. It doesn't look like her Mom is going to soften up anytime soon but we keep teaching her and praying for her.
So as Sister Training Leader I get to go on exchanged with all the sisters in my zone so this week we swapped with the Lakewood Sisters. I went to their area with Sister Murphy and she is awesome! It's a bike area so I was really excited to ride a bike for the day. Unfortunately Sister Murphy's companion is really tall so I couldn't fit on her bike. So to avoid any kind of embarrassing or deadly accident we decided to be on foot for the day! I love days when we can just walk around and talk to everyone you see! The worst trap as a missionary is the car and I love every opportunity I get to step out of the cage... oh uh I mean car... and talk to everyone I see!
We had some great miracles that day! We were able to find 2 new investigators simply by walking up to them and talking to them!
The biggest miracle happened as we started tracting though. We were walking down a random street and we couldn't see anyone outside so we just decided to start knocking doors. About halfway down the street a woman answered the door and we introduced ourselves. Soon after she told us that her husband was a member of the church but he hadn't been active. She then informed us that her husband had just recently died 2 days before Christmas. My heart broke for this woman. We were able to talk to her for and time and at the end she asked if we would pray with her and her family so she grabbed her 2 young children and she asked me to offer the prayer. She made it clear that she wasn't interested in joining the church but we were able to share with her that families are eternal and she said we could come back and visit with them again. It was one of those amazing moments when you know the Lord sent you there for a purpose. He loves that family so much and he wanted to send them some comfort and he allowed us to provide some of it!
It was incredible!
I love being a missionary so much! It is the best thing ever!
I love you all so much and I hope you have a great week!
The Kingdom of God or Nothing!
Love, Sister Gregson

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