Monday, January 13, 2014

Houston, We Have Another Baptism!

Hola familia!!
How's life? Things are good here in Texas! It's starting to cool down and we've gotten a lot of rain recently. The leaves are changing and by that I mean they are turning brown and falling off. But it feels so good outside!
Boy do I have a LOT to share with you I just wish I had the time to type it all!
This week was incredible! Last Monday we taught Abby the Plan of Salvation. (She is the 12 year old whose mother was recently re-activated. She grew up in the Baptist church.) The spirit was so strong during that lesson and as we closed the lesson Sister Hutchings asked the best question! She said, "So Abby what is the step you can make now to be able to go to the Celestial Kingdom?" Abby's face lit up and she responded "be baptized by priesthood authority." So we asked her if that's what she wanted and with a huge smile on her face she said yes. We didn't want to push too hard so we asked her when she would like to be baptized and her response was so great! She said "when is the soonest I can be baptized?" Well because she's been coming to church for months now the very soonest she could be baptized was last Saturday and that is what she wanted! So at the beginning of this week we were scrambling to get this baptism ready so that she could be baptized. So Saturday September 28th Abby was baptized and yesterday she was confirmed.
I can't even explain the joy that I feel for the choice she has made. She is an incredible young woman and I love her like a sister. Her mother was so happy. When we talked to her the other day I told her how much I loved her and she said "We're linked for life now." I love that! I'm so grateful I got to be a part of this great work and that I have been able to share my testimony with this wonderful family. Abby wanted Sister Hutchings and I to stand at the top of the stairs with her mother while she was being baptized and after she came out of the font she gave us a huge wet hug. Best hug I've ever had. I love this family so much and I can't wait for them to all be sealed together for eternity. They are planning to be sealed sometime next year in the SLC temple and they already told me they want me there. I hope I will be able to see that. I can't wait to see what's in store for Abby. I can already see her going on a mission and sharing what she's learned with others.
Emily and Tony are great as ever. We've been reading the Book of Mormon with them and they already understand them so well. Tony is such a good kid! He already has such an incredible testimony and a great love for the Book of Mormon.
Mike's family is doing great! I love them so much! Yesterday we went to their home to share the Plan of Salvation with them and the lesson was so powerful. Every time we go through the lessons with an investigator the most powerful lesson always seems to be the Plan of Salvation. I love being able to testify of Jesus Christ. I love sharing hope with others.
They had such great questions and they've already begun to recognize that the things we are teaching them are in the Bible and without the Book of Mormon and modern-day revelation we don't realize they are there or what they really mean.
I wish I knew how to express my great love for my mission and for the people I have had the opportunity to serve. I feel so happy. This gospel is amazing. The Lord has helped me to do things I never would be capable of doing without Him. He's allowed me small glimpses of heaven every day that I've been here. To this day in my life choosing to serve a mission is the best decision I've ever made. I can't imagine my life without these people. I have learned so much from them and I've felt a more divine and eternal love for them than I knew was possible. It's like I get a small glimpse of the perfect love Heavenly Father has for them. The Lord is so good to us. I am so grateful that he allows us to be a part of His great work, to share his words, and to feel His love for His beloved children.
I love y'all!
Hope all is well at home!
The Kingdom of God or Nothing!
Love, Sister Gregson
Abby's Baptism


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