Monday, January 13, 2014



Dear family,
How's life?
Life down here in Texas has been kind of crazy, but also wonderful.
On Tuesday night I got a voice mail from President Pringree that said, "Hey Sister Gregson it's president pingree I need to talk to you about the upcoming transfers." dun dun duuuun.
I was really hoping he was just going to ask me to make cookies for the meeting but of course I knew it was going to be nothing close to that.
So the news is that I'm training again! My new companion's name is Sister Davis! She is such a sweetheart. She is from Reno, Nevada. She is 20 years old, and she has come out so prepared already!
The second news is that I've been called as a Sister Training Leader for our Zone. What that means is that basically I get to go on exchanges with each of the Sisters/Hermanas in our Zone.
After I got of that call with President I felt pretty overwhelmed. Ever time I'm asked to train I feel so inadequate (which is pretty selfish) so being called to be Sister training leader doubled that for me and I had a hard couple of days (again selfish) but I asked Elder Cummings to give me a blessing and its amazing how much a a weight can be lifted by the power of the Priesthood. I know the Lord will help me and that I'm not doing it alone. In fact it won't even be me doing any of the training it will be 100% the Lord and the spirit. Plus Sister Davis truly is the one training me. She is incredible!
So Sister Hutchings left me on Tuesday (she's been transferred to Katy) and I spent two days with the Hermanas in a temporary trio until my new comp came on Thursday. I got to be immersed in the Spanish world again and I love it! The Hermanas teach an English class every Tuesday so I got to go teach english and talk to their students. None of their students are members of the church so it's a great missionary opportunity for them.
Now that I'm Sister Training Leader I will get to work with those Hermanas a lot more which should be fun. I am so excited to be able to learn from all the incredible women that serve in my Zone. I know I'll learn way more from them then they could ever learn from me.
We had a lot of great miracles this week! The first lesson that Sister Davis and I taught together was to Erica. She is a referral we received from a member and she is incredible. We taught her what our mission calls "the first powerful lesson." In that lesson we begin by stating our purpose and we tell them right off the bat that at the end of the lesson we will invite them to be baptized by the authority of God. Then after we teach the lesson we ask them to say a kneeling prayer and to ask God a specific question about what we are teaching them. Then (while still kneeling down) we open up to the scripture in Galatians that talks about the fruit of the spirit and ask them if they have felt any of the feelings it lists. As we knelt there with her the spirit was so strong. It was as if you could feel it in the air. She mentioned that she felt joy and peace. We explained to her that that was the spirit testifying to her of the truth. I told Sister Davis before the lesson that I wanted her to extend the baptismal invitation and as we knelt there she asked Erica if she would be baptized. With tears in her eyes she said yes. There is something very powerful about extending the invitation to be baptized while you're kneeling down. I think it is because it is a very humble position. It's as if it more fully invites the spirit to be there and therefore it allows Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to be there. Erica wasn't saying yes to our invitation but to the Lords invitation. It was a really neat experience. 
Ericas baptism date is November 9th. We are so happy for her. It was such an incredible experience and Erica is so prepared. She has had a really hard life and she is searching for some hope and direction. What I love about the Gospel is that that is exactly what it brings- hope and direction. and not only that but peace.
This gospel truly is amazing. It is the solution to every problem, trial, and difficulty. I love being able to share that with everybody that I cross paths with. The topic that we've been sharing with each of our members and less actives this week has been hope. There are so many people out there searching for hope and the only place to find hope in is our Savior Jesus Christ. It is because of Him that we all can have hope. No matter what, hope is always there - Christ is always there. If we feel hopeless it is because somehow, someway, we have turned away from Christ. Hope can never be lost because the power and mercy of the Atonement can never be lost. We are the ones that get lost.
Isn't that amazing? Happiness, hope and peace are always there for the taking. It's up to us to never turn out backs on, trample, or cripple our own hope.  
Well I hope all is well at home!
Thanks again for all you love and support!
The Kingdom of God or Nothing!
Love, Sister Gregson

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