Monday, January 13, 2014


Hola family!
Sorry to email a day late but the library was closed so we got permission to send out our emails today!
This week has been great! As you know the first Texas A&M game happened this weekend and the area was packed full of traffic! It's so fun to be in the football season atmosphere even though I can't watch the games. This is the first year in a long time I won't be able to watch BYU play, but don't worry my ward mission leader Bro. Lowe is a BYU fan so he keeps me updated. I hope that's ok... I figured Grandpa would probably approve but if not don't tell me.

Great news! Emily and Tony got baptized on Saturnday Aug. 31st and confirmed on Sunday! It was so wonderful! I am so happy for them! Emily is deathly afraid of water so she was really nervous to get baptized but talking to her afterward she mentioned that she was in shock because she wasn't scared. She recognized that the Lord helped her feel peace. Many of the ward came to support them and they were just glowing with joy. I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have had to be a part of this important step in their lives. Heavenly Father is just too good to me.
We've seen a lot of miracles this week! We have gone knocking a lot and come across so many people who have let us into their homes to share a message! Unfortunately most of them have been young single college students so we have to pass them over to the missionaries in the singles ward.
One night we were out tracting and we came across this man playing outside with his son. He had been watching us knock doors and repeatedly getting rejected so he was especially kind to us. His name is Casey and he is so cool not only because he has grills and a do-rag but also because he was really excited to read the Book of Mormon. We're planning on going back to visit with him this week and he told us we could quiz him on the book because he's going to for sure read it. I certainly hope he does!
I'm so glad I get to stay in Bryan. I've really grown to love this place. President sent us all a text letting us know that we now have 260 missionaries in the Texas Houston Mission. In march we had 140 so it has really grown since I've been out! It is such an exciting time to be a missionary! I was reading an article on the church website that said we've reached 75,000 Missionaries serving in the field and that 42% of the missionaries in the MTC's are Sister Missionaries!
I just feel so blessed to have a small part in this great work. I love Texas! I love Texans! I love the church! It is the greatest thing in the entire world.
We had a rough night a couple nights ago. We were out tracting and we came across this nice young couple who let us into their home. They knew quite a bit about the church so we talked to them a little bit about the Restoration. After we finished talking about the first vision the atmosphere completely changed. The man we were teaching was very logical and he felt we were fools to believe that such a thing was even possible. He believes in the trinity, that God the Father , Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are one being. Therefore he said it was impossible for Joseph Smith to see them as separate beings. He mocked us pretty well. He spoke so negatively about the Book of Mormon and Mormons in general. The only thing I felt I could do was bear my testimony to him and so I did, but it meant nothing to him. He told me I didn't have any clue who God is and because of that I am headed on a path that will lead me to Hell. He told me he hoped I would lose my faith.
Boy was this hard to hear. It was literally breaking my heart to hear this. I couldn't believe that another human being would even say those things to someone. I know he was only trying to save us from what he thought was wrong and I can't blame him for that.
We walked out of there feeling just awful. We didn't argue. We didn't fight. We just left them with an invitation to read and pray about the Book of Mormon and we walked away.
I couldn't really figure out why we had been led to them but let me tell you what I do know. I know more now that ever that nothing and no one can ever shake my faith. I have no doubts about who Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are. I love them so much. Sure I often fall short of the person I'm supposed to be but I believe I've found the right and true and only path that God intended me to be on.
I hope someday that that couple will be willing to open their hearts to this gospel because I know they will have such joy if they do. I don't blame them for the things they said, they were just trying to help us in their own way, it was just really hard to be talked to that way.
Anyways I love this gospel and I'm so grateful to have it in my life, and nothing will ever change that.
I hope you all have a wonderful day! Love you!
The Kingdom of God or Nothing!
Love, Sister Gregson

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